Read edges' information from a file including all edges and extract edges of one decoration. Accepted formats are tab separated values ('tsv'), semicolon separated values ('csv'), or shapefile ('shp').

         dir = getwd(),
         edges = "edges",
         nodes = "nodes",
         format = "tsv")



Name of the site.


Name of the decoration.


Path to the working folder, by default it is the working directory.


Name of the edges file (a dataframe or a shapefile).


Name of the nodes file (a dataframe or a shapefile).


File extension indicating a file format from 'tsv' (tab separated values), 'csv' (semicolon separated values) or 'shp' (shapefile). For 'tsv' and 'csv' the coordinates of the edges will be calculated from the same decoration's node dataframe.


Subset the dataframe of edges depending on 'site' and 'decor'.


Dataframe of graph edges, including at least the columns "site", "decor", "a", "b", "xa", "ya", "xb", "yb", with values for each edge (row).


# Set data folder dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "iconr") # Read .tsv file eds.df <- read_eds(site = "Cerro Muriano", decor = "Cerro Muriano 1", dir = dataDir, edges = "edges", format = "tsv") eds.df
#> site decor a b type xa ya xb yb #> 1 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 4 = 349.8148 -298.3244 446.0222 -381.1697 #> 2 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 5 = 349.8148 -298.3244 283.0041 -358.0086 #> 3 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 3 5 = 238.4637 -298.3244 283.0041 -358.0086 #> 4 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 2 + 349.8148 -298.3244 349.8148 -243.9851 #> 5 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 7 + 349.8148 -298.3244 342.6884 -427.4917 #> 6 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 3 1 = 238.4637 -298.3244 349.8148 -298.3244 #> 7 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 8 = 349.8148 -298.3244 451.1489 -237.4782 #> 8 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 4 8 = 446.0222 -381.1697 451.1489 -237.4782
## Dataframe of edges # Read shapefile eds.df <- read_eds(site = "Cerro Muriano", decor = "Cerro Muriano 1", dir = dataDir, edges = "edges", format = "shp") eds.df
#> site decor a b type xa ya xb yb #> 0 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 4 = 349.8148 -298.3244 446.0222 -381.1697 #> 1 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 5 = 283.0041 -358.0086 349.8148 -298.3244 #> 2 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 3 5 = 283.0041 -358.0086 238.4637 -298.3244 #> 3 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 2 + 349.8148 -298.3244 349.8148 -243.9851 #> 4 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 7 + 349.8148 -298.3244 342.6884 -427.4917 #> 5 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 3 1 = 238.4637 -298.3244 349.8148 -298.3244 #> 6 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 1 8 = 349.8148 -298.3244 451.1489 -237.4782 #> 7 Cerro Muriano Cerro Muriano 1 4 8 = 451.1489 -237.4782 446.0222 -381.1697
## Dataframe of edges